Declaration of Result of Mandate Vote 2019

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Monday 22 July 2019

Results Declaration of Mandate July 2019 Vote

Our appreciation is extended to all of those people who participated in the vote on the resolution “that the Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust is mandated to represent the Mōkai Pātea claimant community in negotiations with the Crown for the comprehensive settlement of all of the historical claims of Mōkai Pātea Nui Tonu”.

Election Services Ltd who managed the voting process has 25 years’ experience managing election processes for Iwi organisations, land trusts, local government, corporations and energy trusts. Election Services have released the declaration of results and advised of those people eligible to vote on the Mandate resolution, 946 people voted. Click here see the Declaration of Results.

  • 758 voted for the resolution. This represents 80.13% of those who voted
  • 183 voted against the resolution. This represents 19.34% of those who voted
  • There were 5 blank votes representing 0.53%


Utiku Potaka Chair of Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust extends the Claims Trusts sincere thanks to the many whanau who supported the Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust presenters and team during this trying and challenging time, to seek a mandate to start negotiations with the Crown for Treaty Settlements.

“We do appreciate those who helped set up and pack down at Mandate venues, helped with transporting out team, prepared kai and assisted with attendance registers at each venue. A mihi and gratitude is extended to those who assisted with facilitation of the question and answers sessions during Mandate Hui at Porirua, Tokaanui, Taradale, and Auckland. Our sincere thanks to our kaumatua who also came and supported with their quiet and humble presence. To those that assisted in their official and professional capacity as venue managers, crown observers, and the Independent Electoral Officer and the team at Election Services thank you. There are many and to prevent the risk of leaving someone out please forgive us for not naming you individually” said Utiku Potaka.

Election Services Declaration of Results will be published in the same Newspapers the Mandate Voting period and Mandate Hui were advertised.  Our understanding is those publications will commence on Monday 22 July.

The Declaration of Results will also be published on the Mōkai Pātea Watangi Claims Trust Website and Facebook Page.

The vote result is one part of the process of achieving a mandate that is accepted and confirmed by the Crown through its agency Te Arawhiti. Utiku Potaka said “Our understanding is Te Arawhiti will look at many factors including the vote results, the process and the independent reports of the observers for the Crown that attended the Mandate Hui. We have a very good vote result and it could be some time before we are clear of what that means from the Crown’s perspective and what will happen next regarding the Deed of Mandate, its advertising and the next round of submissions. Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust will work with Te Arawhiti the Crown’s Treaty Settlement Agency, to determine what is next.  Once that is clear the Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust will discuss that with Mōkai Pātea Nui Tonu and provide updates to members and the Mōkai Pātea claimant community”.

Find out more information about the Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust Mandate Strategy and the path to settlement at


Utiku Potaka

Chairman for Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust

22 July 2019

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