Draft Deed of Mandate Update

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Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust (MPWCT) draft Deed of Mandate was advertised for submissions on the 16 May 2020. We encourage people to read the draft Deed of Mandate. You can read it by clicking on this link:  https://mokaipateaclaims.maori.nz/draft-deed-of-mandate/.

 We need your support and encourage you to put in a submission of support for the draft Deed of Mandate. Read more about how and find a template to submit on this link:


Historically, the people and iwi of Mōkai Pātea have come together to support each other and face challenges as a collective. There have been strong commitments in the past by tupuna, hapū and iwi to the principle of kotahitanga (unity, solidarity, collective action) in Mōkai Pātea to protect boundaries, people and resources.  For example, Kaiewe Marae was built to host the Kotahitanga Hui in 1893 where many of our tupuna affirmed their stance against the alienation of land that they saw occurring.

 It is under this principle of Kotahitanga a collective approach, that the Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust was established by the Ngā Iwi Nui Tonu o Mōkai Pātea in 2011.  Its purpose is to settle claims against the Crown for breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi).  Ngā Iwi Nui Tonu o Mōkai Pātea are the whānau, hapū and Iwi of Ngāi Te Ohauke, Ngāti Hauiti, Ngāti Tamakōpiri, Ngāti Whitikaupeka.

 Ngā Iwi Nui Tonu o Mōkai Pātea wants all whānau, hapū and iwi of Mōkai Pātea, including those currently opposed, to being unified in negotiating with the Crown. By being involved you have input into how those negotiations can best reflect the collective claims for breaches of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

 Standing aside, withdrawing, and insisting on a separate approach creates dissension, delay and denies the rest of the hapū and iwi of Mōkai Pātea their right to progress settlements.  Or, the process goes on without you and our whānau, hapū, and iwi are embroiled in years of litigation and urgency hearings against each other when our stance is against the crown.

 E oho whatia! Kore! Kore! Kore Rawa!

Break the collective! We say Never! Never! Never!

Get involved by making a submission of support

Write your own submission and email it to Submissions@tearawhiti.govt.nz

Or use the simple submission of support template on our website. Use this link to go directly to the template:  https://mokaipateaclaims.maori.nz/draft-deed-of-mandate/#submissions

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