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Ngati Hinemanu – Invitation to Wananga
March 16, 2019 @ 11:00 am

Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust
Ngāti Hinemanu – Invitation to Wananga
Sat 16th March 2019
Old Utiku School, Rupe Street, Utiku
E nga mana, e nga reo, e nga whanau whanui, o Ngati Hinemanu,
nau mai, haere mai.
Mokai Patea Waitangi Claims Trust is seeking a mandate to represent hapu and iwi of Mokai Patea in the negotiation of historical Treaty claims.
Ngāti Hinemanu affiliate to three Iwi within Mōkai Pātea. The Runanga representing those three Iwi invite Ngāti Hinemanu people to a wananga:
- To update on current Waitangi Tribunal hearings
- To consult on a representation of Ngati Hinemanu in the proposed mandate strategy.
There is no requirement for Ngati Hinemanu attending the hui to be members of Mokai Patea Waitangi Claims Trust. Further information can be obtained from mpwct@mokaipateaservices.org.nz
Robert Martin, Chairperson Te Runanga o Ngāi Te Ohuake
Thomas Curtis, Chairperson Te Runanga o Ngāti Hauiti
Richard Steedman, Chairperson Te Runanga o Ngāti Whitikaupeka
Utiku Potaka, Chairperson Mokai Patea Waitangi Claims Trust