Tū tika Ngāti Tamakōpiri! Waitangi Tribunal Hearing Week 6 Day 1 Opaea Marae
Tū tika Ngāti Tamakōpiri! Waitangi Tribunal Hearing Week 6 , 9 – 13 April 2018, Day 1 Opaea Marae
Ngāti Tamakōpiri Tangata Whenua evidence was the focus of Hearing Week six. Day 1 commenced with a beautiful Autumn morning (9 April 2018). Opaea Marae tangata and Ngāti Tamakōpiri provided a haka pōwhiri for manuhiri, including the Waitangi Tribunal, Crown Counsel, NZ Defence representatives and other counsel.

Tarete Pohe

Kaumatua Issac (Ike)Hunter
Following the powhiri, Kaumatua Issac (Ike) Hunter, gave a korero inside Tumakaurangi whare. He spoke about growing up in the rohe and his connection with Opaea Marae, “home of Ngāti Tamakōpiri people”.
Tarete Pohe and Wereta Rawiri gifted the land vested in them, (Awarua 3D3 Section 15), to the people of Tamakōpiri for the purpose of a Marae (1890’s).
Te Puke o Tete
Te Puke o Tete is the name of the small knoll across from the Marae. It’s described as standing as a focal point, for the mauri (life force) from which Opaea tikanga is drawn. Many generations ago Tete was killed at Rotoaira. An act of reprisal by Ngāti Tama, for the death of Tumakaurangi. The knoll was named Te Puke o Tete because, “Tete’s head was used as a rahui or trespass mark” in relation to cabbage trees.
Te Puke o Tete marks a tribal boundary. Separating the lands between Motukawa and Awarua and acknowledging the blood relationships between Tamakōpiri and Ngāti Rangituhia. Extending east to Moawhango iti, the boundary runs through the Marae. Opaea Marae was often referred to as, the boundary house.
Tumakaurangi Whare at Opaea:

I roto i te Tumakaurangi Whare at Opaea Marae
- Completed in 1895 by Master Carver Te Wano Kauhoe, from Ngāti Awa (Not Ngāti Rangitihi as recorded in written brief of evidence).
- Named after Tumakaurangi, a descendant of Tamakōpiri.
- Tumakaurangi’s daughter Hineroro, married Wharepurakau the son of Whitikaupeka.
- Tumakaurangi joined forces with Whitikaupeaka, Te Ohuake and Hauiti in the final battle driving Ngāti Hotu out of the Mōkai Pātea rohe.

Church Opaea
A korero of the Taonga displayed in Tumakaurangi whare was provided by Hari Benevides. Followed by a visit to the church and urupa.
Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust would like to thank, all those involved in the site visit to Opaea Marae. Thank you for the powhiri and manaakitanga provided to all.
Nga mihi mahana .