70% Maori retained land in the Taihape Inquiry district is landlocked

 In Panui

From the Crown’s first part of their closing submission on Landlocked Lands, during Hearing Week 14 at Rata in January 2021. A sobering statistic to remember when talking to others about what is unique, for us in Mōkai Pātea and the Taihape Rangitikei Waitangi Tribunal Inquiry District. “Māori retain approximately 14% of the land within the Taihape Rangitīkei inquiry district. 70% of the land retained by Māori in the inquiry district is landlocked. Nationally, as a broad estimate, up to 20% of land retained by Māori is estimated to be landlocked”. Read the Crowns full first part of their closing statements in relation to Landlocked Lands here. https://mokaipateaclaims.maori.nz/documents/. Look for the document named HW14 – Tranche 1 Crown Closing submissions on Landlocked lands – WAI 2180 3.3.44(c)Click here to  Read more about the Mōkai Pātea Nui Tonu.


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