Richard Steedman was the Claims Manager for the Trust. Richard was previously Deputy Chair and one of the Ngāti Whitikaupeka representatives on the Trust. Richard is currently the Hapu/Iwi [...]
Peter represents Ngāti Hauiti on the Mōkai Patea Claims Trust. Peter is also a Ngāti Hauiti Rūnanga delegate, a director of Ngāti Hauiti’s agri-business (Patiki Holdings) and a trustee on […]
Te Rina is a delegate to the Trust for Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whitikaupeka. Her iwi/hapū development involvement includes politics, research, the environment, education, hauora & te reo Māori me [...]
Moira Raukawa-Haskell represents Ngāti Tamakōpiri on the Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Trust. Moira is the Chairperson of Te Runanga o Ngāti Tamakōpiri and the Chairperson of its operation Trust, Kaiao [...]
Kaupeka ki runga Kaupeka ki raro, Kui Kui, Whiti Whiti Ora. Barbara is the Deputy Chair of the Trust and one of the delegates from Te Runanga o Ngati Whitikaupeka; […]
Matua Ike is currently on leave from duties as a Trustee due to illness. Ike Hunter is the kaumatua for Opaea and Moawhango Marae representing the iwi of Ngāti Tamakōpiri […]