Day 1 & 2 Hearing Week 5 – Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust Tangata Whenua Witnesses

 In Hearings

Substantive Hearing Week 5 of WAI:2180 Taihape District Inquiry at Rata Marae got under way on Monday 5 March 2018.

The content of evidence provided by the Twelve Ngāti Hauiti Tangata Whenua Witnesses covered how the loss of land, continuous loss of cultural identity, the breakdown of Tikanga and practices including the loss of Te Reo, as a result of Treaty Breaches and a determined Settler mentality to acquire land, had devastating effects on whanau.  Still evidenced today with some heart felt shared korero where whanau have felt the loss,  not only in economic and tangible ways, but intangible ways. The impacts of loss of mana and cultural identity manifesting in feelings of shame and confidence issues, mental health issues, high rates of suicide,  addiction to tobacco, alcohol and the link to domestic violence and sexual assault have been experienced deeply. The rebuilding of Tikanga, structures and leadership that bind whanau, hapu and iwi back together again take time.   Individuals, whanau and hapu are at different levels on this journey and there is strong desire amongest Ngāti Hauiti to rebuild.  Shown through their commitment to research, rangatahi leadership programmes, wananga and rebuilding their whenua portfolio.

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