Hapū Elections 2023 – Candidate Information
To stand in this election you must:
- Complete and return the official nomination form (page 9 of info pack)
- Completed statutory declaration (page 11 of info pack)
- Meet the requirements of Section 6, Clause 1 of the MPWCT Trust Deed
- Be a registered adult member of:
- Ngāti Hauiti
- Ngāi te Ohuake
- Ngāti Tamakōpiri
- Ngāti Whitikaupeka
- Have your nomination endorsed by another registered member of the hapū you are standing for
- A profile and photo (page 15 of info pack for info)

Nomination Form
Each candidate must complete the official nomination form which is included below.
Additional nomination forms can be requested from the
Returning Officer by:
- Free phone: 0800 922 822
- Email: info@electionservices.co.nz
Or from Mokai Patea Claims Trust office:
During office hours at:
Mōkai Pātea Services
Office 130 Hautapu
Street, Taihape 4720
Phone: 06 388 1156
Ngāti Hauiti Rata Office
43 Te Hou Hou Road
Rata RD1 Marton 4587
Phone: 06 322 8765
Lodgement of Nomination Forms
Nominations Close: 14 September 2023. APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5PM ON THIS DATE
Nomination forms must be in the hands of the Returning Officer, at the offices of electionservices.co.nz no later than 5pm, Thursday, September 14th 2023.
Nominations received after the closing deadline are invalid and will not be processed.
To ensure that completed nomination papers are received and processed in time they should be scanned and emailed to info@electionservices.co.nz.
If you need assistance prior to this deadline, please contact either:
Mōkai Pātea Services Office
130 Hautapu Street,
Taihape 4720
Phone: 06 388 1156
Ngāti Hauiti Rata Office
43 Te Hou Hou Road Rata
RD1 Marton 4587
Phone: 06 322 8765
Once lodged, nomination papers are checked by the Returning Officer to ensure that the candidate and nominators are registered adult member of one of the rūnanga.
Please do not leave lodging your nomination to the last minute. Should a nomination form contain errors or cannot be read, it could leave the candidate with insufficient time to correct the situation, and the candidate will be ineligible to stand for election.
Candidates will receive an email from the Returning Officer acknowledging that their nomination form has been received and is being checked to determine validity. A further email will be received once this has occurred to advise of the outcome and if any further action is required. Any further information requested must be received before nominations close at 5.00pm on Thursday 14 September 2023.
These are the key operating principles, responsibilities and competencies required of iwi rūnanga delegates representing the four iwi and affiliated hapū within the Mōkai Pātea confederate.
- Protect and enhance the mana and rangatiratanga of the respective iwi and hapū, while exercising kaitiakitanga over identified taonga tuku iho
- Uphold the kawa, tikanga, whakapapa, mātauranga and reo of the iwi
- Promote and advance the social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing of iwi, hapū and the people
- Act as a central point of contact in dealings with the Crown, local authorities, other iwi, and external stakeholders
- Represent iwi and hapū in respect of grievances laid against the Crown in relation to the Treaty of Waitangi
Iwi rūnanga delegates will be guided by the following values and principles:
- Collective leadership
- Ethical decision-making that is in the best interest of the iwi and its hapū
- Open and transparent engagement and communications with iwi and hapū members
- Integrity and honesty – delegateswill do nothing that negatively impacts on the reputation or operations of the iwi.
Delegates are expected to:
- Develop and provide oversight around the implementation of key initiatives that further the strategic goals and priorities of the iwi.
- Advocate for the needs and priorities of the hapū they represent
- Represent the interests of all members of the iwi irrespective of their own direct whānau and hapū affiliations
- Lead and/or support any topical issues as and when they arise.
Core Competencies
Iwi Delegates should demonstrate qualities and competencies in some or all the following:
- ‘Mōkai Pāteatanga’ – versed in taha Mokai Patea (Ngāti Tamakōpiri, Ngāi te Ohuake,Ngāti Hauiti, and Ngāti Whitikaupeka)
- Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships with a wide range of stakeholders including whānau, hapū, other iwi, Crown, local authorities, and
external entities - Strong leadership skills
- Sound judgment and political acumen to be able to navigate and lead in a political environment as well as handle contentious and/or sensitive issues
- Proactively identifies and manages new risks and opportunities as they arise
- A team player with the ability to lead and contribute to robust discussions on matters impacting on whānau, hapū and iwi
- Effective written and oral communication skills.
In general, each Rūnanga will meet at least once every quarter with additional time allocated for annual hui-a-iwi and separate Strategic Planning hui. You may also be assigned a portfolio or asked to represent the rūnanga on kaupapa outside of the above set meeting times.
The role is that of a volunteer. Each Iwi Rūnanga will have its own policy and practices regarding expenses incurred by volunteers.
All successful candidates, whether elected unopposed or through a formal vote, will be elected for this term length.

Candidate Profile Statements
While this is optional, candidates are encouraged to provide a profile to promote their candidacy. There are strict word limitations and the Returning Officer has been advised to use the first 150 words only.
- Must not exceed 150 words in total.
- Must be confined to information concerning the candidate, and the candidate’s policies and intentions if elected;
- It’s good idea to highlight your skills and experience, hapū and rūnanga affiliations
- The text (English or Māori) must be plain black and white text, and tohutō are permitted.
- Photos should be recent (i.e. less than one year old) photograph of the candidate only (i.e. not part of a group)
- Photos should preferably be in colour and supplied in an electronic format (phone photos are fine), but hard copy photos will be accepted and will be scanned at 300 dpi by the Returning Officer. (N.B. hard copies of photos will not be returned to candidates).
- Email your candidate profile and photo to info@electionservices.co.nz
Any Queries?
If you have questions or want to clarify any part of the election process, please contact the Returning Officer at info@electionservices.co.nz or 0800 922 822.